Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween!!

I am officially a spin instructor! After years of cycling, I'm finally sitting on the other side of the room, LEADING and MOTIVATING the class! Wow, never saw that coming!

I am so excited about teaching my first cycling class at Fitness Lady on Friday! I hope to be a fresh new source of motivation for these ladies by leading them in their group exercise classes at this awesome health club! I will begin adding more aerobics classes like kickboxing and bootcamp to my repertoire after I get comfortable teaching spin. I will also start taking on some of Fitness Lady's personal training clients!

This weekend was spent watching Andy Griffith re-runs on Netflix while Danny studied his behind off for Gross Anatomy. We also transferred my data to an external hard drive...sadly, Danny's convinced my MacBook is on it's last leg. It's been with me for several years and I'm really comfortable using it. I guess this is an instance where I've got to stop being so resistant to change and learn to get used to our Dell lap top. How blessed are we to have other computers at the ready when another one dies!? I'll stop complaining and be thankful to able to use such an awesome piece of technology...even when it takes some getting used to!

Speaking of being thankful, our holiday plans are starting to come together for Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. We'll be spending Thanksgiving & Christmas in Water Valley, and the rest of the break (New Years, etc.) in Atlanta and South Carolina. I can't wait!!!!!!!

That about sums up the DNA news for now! Don't eat too much candy tonight!!!!!! BUT, if you do overindulge, join me for spin class Friday morning at Fitness Lady!!!!!!

(Beautiful facilities w/ local artists work displayed on walls around the club for sale!)

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